To be exhilarated, euphoric is to be manipulative, deceitful, and intimate. I, a filthy disease; a parasite, My devotion, fondness: is just infatuation I can find happiness, only in people that long for me, in poems I write about me, paintings with my face on it. Happiness, is to latch onto people that love me, that I don’t love back You look at me, our hands a forcefield, sway past each other. Our fingers melancholic to their own choreography- dance. Tiny finger legs go around in circles around your arm. Your thumb a constant pressure on my palm; tease a hold. I am a filthy disease; a parasite, Your hands around my body an invitation to create a home, I change every week. My sweets, don’t touch me. My love is to devour; consume; and suffocate Your chest against mine, allows only one heart to beat- control. Hold me, and I’ll swallow your heart whole. Siphon the goodness out of you into my leaky empty soul. Until our bodies, two clappers inside a bell, clash with each other- serenade us to our deaths. Only I, live off another host, another body to love. Your eyes, now fitted in my sockets, your body erased- perished. You’ll forever see through me edging your memories away, turning humans into ghost- An echo of a haunting floating above your grave. Lie down in my laps sweets, I’m your casket, your home. You can stop searching now.
To be exhilarated, euphoric is to be manipulative, deceitful, and intimate. I, a filthy disease; a parasite, My devotion, fondness: is just infatuation I can find happiness, only in people that long for me, in poems I write about me, paintings with my face on it. Happiness, is to latch onto people that love me, that I don’t love back You look at me, our hands a forcefield, sway past each other. Our fingers melancholic to their own choreography- dance. Tiny finger legs go around in circles around your arm. Your thumb a constant pressure on my palm; tease a hold. I am a filthy disease; a parasite, Your hands around my body an invitation to create a home, I change every week. My sweets, don’t touch me. My love is to devour; consume; and suffocate Your chest against mine, allows only one heart to beat- control. Hold me, and I’ll swallow your heart whole. Siphon the goodness out of you into my leaky empty soul. Until our bodies, two clappers inside a bell, clash with each other- serenade us to our deaths. Only I, live off another host, another body to love. Your eyes, now fitted in my sockets, your body erased- perished. You’ll forever see through me edging your memories away, turning humans into ghost- An echo of a haunting floating above your grave. Lie down in my laps sweets, I’m your casket, your home. You can stop searching now.
Angela Singh
Angela Singh
Angela Singh