My eyes; a mausoleum of broken glass Reflecting light off the corners, call you out: Look, this is your life. A vessel of lonely memories break you down, then hold you together You, a mist of a human, your teeth stuck together- you can only look Prepare for the war Are you dead or are you breathing? Are you alive or are you breathing? The reminiscing of scars are etched deeper than the wounds-Help you forget yourself in the stories Reject everything. Don't look up Sit on your throne, let people sit by you Let them shake hands, light a cigarette, laugh Talk about politics and parents and lovers. Don't look up. The changing light, a reflection of your resolution to give up your soul to the nature Your body, your mothers', your trauma your fathers', nothing will ever truly be yours Sunrise, sunset, midnight Stay here. Look at your life from behind your book Let the world pass by- you're alive, you don't belong Tell me mother, were you ever asked what it means to be alive? Tell me father, what makes you feel your heart beat inside your chest? I beg you, ask me if I'm happy. Ask me where it hurts when the world touches me. I'm on my knees, my ears starving to hear you whisper my name. Please, ask me if I'm alive. I'll say yes again and again- Yes! just to hear myself admit it, help me remind i exist- you exist Look, this is our life. The world is passing by, and I'm alive, tell me l belong.
My eyes; a mausoleum of broken glass Reflecting light off the corners, call you out: Look, this is your life. A vessel of lonely memories break you down, then hold you together You, a mist of a human, your teeth stuck together- you can only look Prepare for the war Are you dead or are you breathing? Are you alive or are you breathing? The reminiscing of scars are etched deeper than the wounds-Help you forget yourself in the stories Reject everything. Don't look up Sit on your throne, let people sit by you Let them shake hands, light a cigarette, laugh Talk about politics and parents and lovers. Don't look up. The changing light, a reflection of your resolution to give up your soul to the nature Your body, your mothers', your trauma your fathers', nothing will ever truly be yours Sunrise, sunset, midnight Stay here. Look at your life from behind your book Let the world pass by- you're alive, you don't belong Tell me mother, were you ever asked what it means to be alive? Tell me father, what makes you feel your heart beat inside your chest? I beg you, ask me if I'm happy. Ask me where it hurts when the world touches me. I'm on my knees, my ears starving to hear you whisper my name. Please, ask me if I'm alive. I'll say yes again and again- Yes! just to hear myself admit it, help me remind i exist- you exist Look, this is our life. The world is passing by, and I'm alive, tell me l belong.
Angela Singh
Angela Singh
Angela Singh